Hello, my name is Tim and I wanted to bring to your attention a great adult dating website that I've had a personal experience with that I think is great value for money. It's called Adult XXX Date or AdultXXXDate (with or without the spaces).
Click the following link to check it out for yourself or read on to hear about my experiences with it!
 Visit Adult XXX Date
My Experience with Adult XXX Date
I signed up to Adult XXX Date after reading this review of it on No1Reviews.com - Review of Adult XXX Date. No1Reviews explained that it was their No. 1 rated adult dating site mainly because it had more members than any other adult dating site, and that was good enough for me. So I signed up for free and started searching for women in my area. There were so many gorgeous babes on there I could hardly believe it, so I started winking like hell at all of them - that was all I could do as a free member you see! Eventually a few of them started winking back at me, and that was enough to encourage me to join up as a fully paid-up premium member, which would then allow me to do more than just wink and contact other members by email. After all, you can get a full month's membership to Adult XXX Date for less than the entry fee to a nightclub! And god only knows how much had I already spent on nightclub entry fees, not to mention the extortionate cost of drinks once you get inside, only to go home alone at the end of the night! So a month's subscription to a site that was packed with women who are quite literally gagging for it seemed like money well spent to me! After I signed up, I started e-mailing some of the gorgeous babes who had been winking at me, but I got no reply. So I e-mailed them again, trying not to sound too pushy or desperate, and I eventually got a reply from one of them, but she told me that she had just hooked up with someone else and so she wasn't interested any more. At first I felt really disappointed by this, but then all that changed...
You see, the thing you have to realise (which I only eventually came to realise) is that the ratio of men to women on a site like this is probably about 10:1. Great news if you're a woman looking for a guy, but not so great news if you are a guy! You then come to realise that all the gorgeous girls on Adult XXX Date are probably receiving literally hundreds of e-mails each and every day from hopeful and horny guys! How can they possibly reply to all of them! Now, I'm not an ugly guy, but I'm not Brad Pitt either, and unless you are, I think you'd have to be unrealistically optimistic to expect a reply from every gorgeous girl you e-mailed! Once you realise that, then you're already one step ahead of most of your competitors on the site, and by competitors, I mean of course the other guys on the site, as they are all your enemies in the dating game! So now given this new realization, it was time to put on my thinking cap, put some serious effort into my dating campaign and work the system...
Choosing the right Pictures for your Adult XXX Date Profile I had already uploaded the nicest pics that I could find of myself, and not just a picture of my penis, which many men seem to do! My main profile picture was a picture of just my face showing me smiling - this immediately lets other women know that I have a happy, friendly, outgoing personality and somehow seems to imply that I'm not an axe murderer! Which I'm not of course! But you need to let women know this, and a smile seems to do the trick! My other photos that I uploaded were of my body (I didn't post any shots of my penis - as most men seem to like to do - as I thought I'd leave something to the imagination!). Now I'm not a fat guy, but I'm hardly Arnold Schawrzengger or Jean Claude Van Damme either if you know what I mean, so I found that taking black and white shots of my body really emphasized the shadows around my pecs and biceps more and made me look a lot more muscular than I was, which looked nice! Most modern digital cameras allow you to take black and white pics these days, and if not, you can easily change any picture to black and white using Paint, which comes free with Windows, so that shouldn't be a problem. Black and white photos are really under-rated and rarely used these days, but if you're fairly pale like me, then a black and white picture can really make you look quite amazing!
Making the Most of What You Have in Your Adult XXX Date Profile Once you've sorted your pictures out you need to put some time into your profile. Big up your main points and play down your weaknesses. Also state your fantasies and really emphasize the fact that you're a generous lover (even if you're not). State that you love to give women pleasure, and don't be afraid to brag about the fact that you've always been complimented on your technique, even if you haven't! All of this should vastly increase your chances of success with any woman you wish to strike up a conversation with, but you also need to make a great first impression when you contact them for the first time, and the best way to do that is in a carefully worded e-mail...
Your First E-mail on Adult XXX Date
Your first e-mail to a potential mate is your only chance to make a good first impression, so make sure you don't screw it up! Try and stick to these handy tips which have worked well for me in the past...
- Don't sound to pushy or too needy. That's an immediate turn-off. Try to play it cool.
- Compliment the person on something you've read about them in their profile or compliment them on their photograph. If she has blue eyes then tell her they're the most gorgeous blue eyes you've ever seen. If she has huge breasts tell her that you're a real fan of big breasts and she has the most gorgeous breasts you've seen on the site (don't be shy - this is an adult dating site after all!) Compliments make your e-mail personalised and it shows you've taken the time to check them out.
- Mention that you share some or all of her fetishes (which will be listed in her profile). This again shows you've taken the time to read her profile and makes your message more personalised. If you like, you might want to share a short fantasy you have that involves her and some of the fetishes she's listed. Remember, try to use her own desires to win her over!
- Attach a picture of yourself. Some women get hundreds of e-mails a day and may not take the time to check out your profile, so attach a picture of yourself and tell her there's more to come if she likes what she sees.
- Try and be humorous. Even though Adult XXX Date is an adult dating site, that doesn't mean that you should leave your sense of humor at the door. A funny or amusing remark can really boost your chances of at least getting a reply to your first e-mail.
- End with a question or proposition. Questions can help keep the conversation flowing and will prompt her to reply. You have much more of a chance of getting a reply if you ask her questions in your e-mail. It also shows that you're interested in learning more about her.
- Keep it brief - this is just a feeler e-mail and is not the best time to be writing her a novel! At the same time, a one line email is sure to be ignored! A paragraph or two, or maybe even three is plenty!
- Follow up your e-mail with another one if you don't get a reply. Don't be pushy or angry, but just be polite and ask her if she received your first one and if there's anything else she wants to know. She may just have forgotten to reply to it amongst all the other e-mails she received. So a gentle reminder e-mail is always a good idea.
- Write a template e-mail, and modify part of it for each person you send it to. Here's what I do - I write a 3 paragraph email; the first paragraph is about her, why you like her and why you think you'd be a good match; the second paragraph is about you, who you are and what you're looking for; the third paragraph asks questions and I try to insert the odd joke in. I send the same e-mail to all the girls I fancy first time round, but I always modify the first paragraph to suit the girl I'm sending it to. This method of using a template saves time, but is flexible enough to allow you to personalize each e-mail you send.
Finally, the REAL key to success on Adult XXX Date is this...
You have to realise that all the guys on Adult XXX Date will be e-mailing mainly the gorgeous girls who have sexy profile pics! So one key to success is to reduce the competition and focus your attention on some of the girls who do not have pictures posted at all. Having your picture posted on Adult XXX Date can vastly improve the amount of interest you receive, as I explained above. And so it follows that women (and men) who do not have pictures posted of themselves receive far less attention from the opposite sex. You can use this fact to your advantage - focusing your attention on women who do not have pictures posted will mean that you will not have nearly as much competition from other guys sending her emails and as such your e-mail will stand out more. There are plenty of women who are active on Adult XXX Date who do not have pictures of themselves posted for any number of reasons. You shouldn't assume that just because they don't have pictures posted that they're ugly or not worth trying for. Many women don't post pictures because they're afraid of being recognized by someone they know. Most of the women I've "dated" on Adult XXX Date have been ones who didn't have pictures posted on their profiles - and I was successful at targeting those women mainly because there was less competition for those women from other guys on the site. As soon as you realise this and learn to use it to your advantage, you can literally clean up on Adult XXX Date! Many of the women who don't have profile pics are also very good-looking (granted some are not), but from their body types and weights listed in their profiles you can at least choose ones with a body type you like without having to see their photographs. Targeting women without profile pictures has been the real key to success on Adult XXX Date for me. Coupled with all of the above, it has been a real gold-mine of opportunity! And it can be for you too if you follow my advice.
Some of the women you have sex with after meeting them on Adult XXX Date will become regular sex-partners for you, others will not. But once you have a few regular sleeping partners, you may be able to get a couple of them together for a 3-some! That's exactly what I did by following the advice I laid out for you above, and it's all thanks to AdultXXXDate.com! The best and biggest adult dating site on the planet! >> Click here to check out AdultXXXDate!
There's a lot more I could tell you about Adult XXX Date, about the joining fees, features lists and so on, but you can read a really full and detailed review of AdultXXXDate on the No1Reviews website. You can also find a top-rated Review of AdultXXXDate on Sex Dating Reviews and on the Top 10 Hookup Sites review site.
One final word. If you're a real stallion and you want death by sex(!) then why stick to just one adult dating site when there are so many to choose from, and they're are free to join, for a basic membership at least! Many people make the mistake of just joining one adult dating site, but that's just like putting all your eggs in one basket. Why not sign up to a few adult dating sites for free and check out who's online in your area right now? Then after you've checked out the sites and checked out the clientelle, you can upgrade your membership to your favourite 2 or 3 and start making those all-important first contacts!
I hope my advice has been useful to you. Good luck on the dating circuit, and may my advice help you on your way to a great sex life!
Tim Bellows.
Sex-stallion extraordinaire (thanks to Adult XXX Date!)
>> Click here to check out AdultXXXDate!
There is also a new adult dating site on the scene called Adult XXX Date, which has the same set of members as Adult Friend Finder, but some very advanced features and a brand new design. Unlike, AdultXXXDate, Adult XXX Date will let you have a sneak peek at some of the members in your home city by using the following geo-specific search results...
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Adult Dating & Sex Contacts in Canada
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Swinger Sex Dating in the United States
Swinger Sex Dating in the United Kingdom
Swinger Sex Dating in Canada
Some major cities of interest include...